Упражнение 268 на употребление Past Perfect
Past Perfect — аналог совершённого настоящего времени Present Perfect для прошлого. Мы употребляем Past Perfect для тех же ситуаций, что и Present Perfect, но с учётом того, что речь идёт о прошлом, а не настоящем.
Сравните Present Perfect с Past Perfect:
The milk is fresh. I have checked the date on the bottle. → The milk was fresh. I had checked the date on the bottle.
Andrew has won the lottery. He can't believe it! → Andrew had won the lottery. He couldn't believe it!
It's the first time I have ridden a horse. → It was the first time I had ridden a horse.
I don't know the rules. I have never played this game before. → I didn't know the rules. I had never played this game before.