Упражнение 217 на образование Past Continuous


Посмотрите на фото. Дополните предложения глаголом из скобок в утвердительной или отрицательной форме Past Continuous, чтобы они по смыслу соответствовали фотографии.

(drink) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they tea.

(eat) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they ice-cream.

(have) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they a picnic.

(hold) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they hands.

(kiss) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they .

(lie) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they on the grass.

(sit) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they on a bench.

(walk) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they across the lawn.

(walk) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they in the park.

(wear) When I saw Richard and Noelle, they jeans.